Caesarstone & Silestone -30%

Crystal Absolute White

Crystal Absolute White is composite stone or engineered stone. A simply luxurious and beautiful addition to any interior.

Crystal Absolute White is a light quartz with a fine-grained pattern, the clean colour and beauty of which are not overly dominant. Suitable for those who values cleanliness and freshness, with its modest design leaving one with relative carte blanche when it comes to combining appliances and furniture. This type of stone has many advantages, including a great physical properties, such as toughness, durability and the lack of pores that could absorb any substances. All this makes quartz extremely hygienic.

Available in standard selection from our warehouse:
Polished-P; 20 mm and 30mm.

  • Water absorption: 0 (waterproof)
  • Weight: 75 kg/m² (30mm)
  • Material: Quartz worktops
  • Color: Light-colored
  • Thickness: 30 mm, 20 mm
  • Price: 307£/m2