Spring campaign!
The sun shines brighter every day and summer is not far away! Warm weather lures us outdoors and inspires us to plan a fresher look for our outdoor kitchens and grill corners of garden houses.
While for most of the year the most popular finishes for stone worktops are definitely polished (P) and honed (H) the springtime brings a renewed interest in different finishes. Outdoor kitchen season raises the popularity of granite, and finishes such as flamed and brushed (so called “leathery” finish) get the attention they deserve again.
Different finishes
There is a wide variety of stones that look different in the market, but when it comes to finishes the differences don’t end simply with the looks. There are different terms and descriptions for different types of finishes. In addition to the polished and honed stone familiar to us, you might find stone with a leathery feel, labelled with “L”, or an “F/B” stone – that one is “Flamed & Brushed”. Quartz composite manufacturers also create similar finishes. For example, in the Trend collection it’s called the Terra finish, and you can see it on the Ambiente Light and Residente Dark stones. The quartz stones in the Metropolitan collection is complemented by the distinctive Rough finish, which resembles brushed stone due to its rugged surface.
Some manufacturers choose to label finishes based on the method they use for each stone (that is, how is the stone finished), whereas others prefer terms and names more descriptive of the finished product. Trying to keep up with the many ways can make your head spin, especially since the finish also affects the final price of a stone worktop. Then again, a lot depends on the stone itself – it’s hardness and mineral composition for example. Similar methods can yield very different results on different stones, and some specific result can be achieved in more than just one way. A softer granite won’t typically need to be flamed to achieve a more three-dimensional, structural finish, simply brushing will be enough.

We want to make sure that the Granitop website is as clear and user friendly as possibly. That’s why we have chosen to, as a rule, present you only with the price for the polished finish product in our material catalogue and price calculator. There are still exceptions to the rule as we do stock several special stones. For these special cases we have added extra information about the finishes.
If you wish to learn more about the finishes of stone worktops you can read our article, take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions and contact us with any questions you might have – Our team of Granitop professionals is always ready to help you!
Durable stone is the best choice for public spaces and the outdoors!
We see mostly polished finish in the homes of our clients, and often it is in the most popular materials of the moment – marble, limestone, terrazzo and quartz. But these might not be the best choices for outdoor spaces. Consider the weatherproof and durable granite superior when it comes to garden furniture, outdoor kitchens, grills, or bars.
If you know that the stone will need to endure heavy duty use, or the temperature and air humidity are expected to fluctuate considerably, put your trust in granite. Especially darker granites can handle these conditions exceptionally well. When it comes to the finishes, many hotels, restaurants and open-air cafés prefer brushed or flamed and brushed granite.
Melting prices for spring!
Granite discounts! Nero Assoluto (F/B) and Steel Grey (B) with leathery finishes, -15%.
The discounts are valid for as long as the products are stocked.

Pick up a material and calculate price for worktop of Your dream!